USS Midway

Phew, I don’t know where this week went but… here I am on Sunday trying to get a couple posts up before my Monday email goes out.

After spending time in San Clemente with Brian’s parents, I headed back down to San Diego because Brian pulled back into port. Here we go with hotel living again! Brian had already visited this aircraft carrier museum, so while he was working one weekend morning I went on an adventure. The inside of the “belly” is HUGE and is a museum in and of itself…

You could spend forever here, but I’m not a spend forever at a place like this person, so I picked a few cool audio tour spots to listen to and then headed to the flight deck. (They gave me an audio device attached to a necklace that you use to scan different codes to listen to stories about planes or parts of the boat). This next picture is looking from one end of the runway toward San Diego. So cool and SO HUGE.

I didn’t realize that the planes had the ability to refuel mid flight, and there were fueling spires(?) they used to do so. That’s incredible. One of the helicopters was the retrieval helicopter for multiple space missions. There were really great views of the bridge from up there.

I love the huge statue of the famous Navy kiss.

One thing you can do is go on a tour of the control tower, lead by a docent. That was fun, and they were complaining about 8ft high ceilings… ha.

They gave the explanation of why they rotated the landing pad 13*, but I forget exactly… something about if things went awry it wouldn’t ruin the planes lined up on the edges I think. This carrier was originally straight on only and then went into the shipyard to have a runway at 13*.

So huge.

This was my favorite capture of the day. See if you can figure out why…

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