Maunawili Trail via Waimanalo

There are three trails that start from Waimanalo that make great, “let’s just get out and get fresh air” hikes. They don’t stand out for any particular reason, but they are a 15 minute drive, really long, and you feel like you’re in the middle of nowhere. This particular one you can go all the way to a really popular waterfall and lookout. Essentially, it hugs the inside of a mountain range. We went a little over two miles in for a total of five (all on a Monday afternoon!)

As always impressive looking nature.

And here’s a glimpse of being in the thick of it and the mountain range we were following.

At our stopping point, the path started to be too overgrown for us to care to move forward. It starts to get scratchy on your arms and legs. I’m not sure if we’ll ever tackle this one the whole way, but it would be really interesting! Love these little gems to just get yourself moving.

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