Kuhio Beach Hula Show

Diana and I went and saw a free public performance of hula at the Hula mound on Waikiki beach. Why yes, of course there’s something called a “hula mound” in the heart of Honolulu. Diana, my friend visiting (was my MOH at the wedding) is a big fan of dance so I wanted to make sure we got a performance in. The hula mound is right between the big banyan tree and Waikiki beach. Everyone sits on their blankets with the sun setting behind them to watch a hula performance. It was about as crowded as you’d expect for a free public performance in the heart of Honolulu, but we were fortunate to find spots sitting on a rock wall.

There were all types of performers and groups. My favorite was the almost 100 year old “Auntie” still killing it on the dance stage in her mu’umu’u.

I’m glad we went but I like the feel of actual luau’s better. The public wasn’t super respectful of the performance. There wasn’t much teaching about actual hula at this… but as they say, if it’s free it’s for me!

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