Isn’t blog update stating the obvious? What I mean is I figured out how to add a subscriber button AND get an automated email sent out weekly with my newest blog posts. I mean it is incredibly rudimentary but it is low maintenance and maybe will get people to keep up with our going ons. At least I think I did. I requested some help from family to test it out… will confirm Monday!
So I talked before about being Mrs. Nav and there’s a Mrs. Eng. Well, Mrs. Eng is pregnant and due in August. She very kindly invited me to her baby shower today in Ewa (pronounced “Eva”. W’s are pronounced like “V’s”. When you hear a proper Hawaiian say “Hawaii” it sounds more like “Hawvaii”). I have found Google maps to be less than satisfactory here at times. Today in particular it tried to take me on a road that was a field… but I figured it out.
I was so impressed with how put together this shower was! Everything was beautifully done. I think she did most of it herself which is crazy at her stage in the pregnancy.

We played guess the children’s movie based on emoji (I got 15/16!). A game where we guessed which of the parents was the right answer, like “Who is going to be doing the 2am wake ups?”. And a game where we named a baby item for every letter of the alphabet (I also won this one but think she might’ve been too lenient with grading… I put “happy” for “h” 😛 ) We also wrote our first memories together, and this was the first time I had met her! So I put a memory from when we first talked and she told me “I don’t have a lot of friends here… only like five”. And she was saying that to me, a New Englander brand new to the Island. It was quite funny.
I offered to take a few pictures with my camera for her. One of the girls was taking a bunch with her phone and I sometimes wonder if it’s worth having mine (in fact, when I was buying my new phone the lady selling it said “I’ve heard from a photographer friend these new phones are just as good as professional cameras!”). There are some fun artistic things I can do that I don’t think phone cameras can, varying shutter speed and focus depth. I experiment sometimes, and that’s how I got a blurry background in this picture, called “Bokeh”.

The desserts were really good, particularly the chocolate covered Oreos. She looked so beautiful today!

I gifted her a bunch of random fun things off her registry. And I also gifted her a couple really cute onesies, one with “good vibes” and a pineapple wearing sunglasses and a submarine onesie. I hope she doesn’t hate me for that one (her husband has THE toughest submarine job right now and is hardly ever home, so she’s not a fan at the moment…) She opted not to open presents while we were there, and I LOVE that. I find the whole process silly as well. Although I would’ve liked to see her reaction to the submarines.