On Friday, Brian’s boat did another BSP (Brief stop for personnel). This is what they did to get Brian on the boat. This time, they took a lot of PCO (pre commissioned-captains), PXOs (pre commissioned-XOs), and the person who was the emergency role fill that Brian was replacing off the boat. They were on it for training-essentially Captain and XO school.

There really isn’t much different with these pictures than before… except that Brian is helping drive the boat this time! Thankfully he didn’t hit anything.

This time the turn around was much faster (must’ve been because Brian was helping ;-)), I had a long sleeve UPF shirt on, and sunscreen. So no lobster Sarah. Here’s a cool picture of it with another warship.

I’m really REALLY upset because I didn’t change out my lenses before leaving the house… so I didn’t have my wicked awesome zoom lens on.

While we were waiting we watched the jets do their thing and I was EVEN MORE UPSET I didn’t have my zoom lens (insert sobbing emoji).

No, I didn’t actually get to see Brian, they pulled in and out quickly, so this was an exercise in true dedication to supporting my husband. But it was fun nonetheless, and another distraction (kinda?)

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