Honolulu Zoo

I became a member of the Honolulu Zoo a few months back and finally made the time to visit. It’s really cheap to become a member, $70 for two years for two adults. Based on reviews, I was expecting to understand why it’s so affordable… but I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed my day! Thought that sign was kinda cute 🙂 Parking was $1.50 an hour and I heard the lot fills up quickly, but I arrived at 10:30am on a Saturday and there were still spots left.

As with most zoos, the scenery didn’t disappoint and this one is home to a huge Banyan tree. You can see the park bench to the left of it for perspective.

More cool Banyan tree photos.

Ok, last non animal pic for now… the foliage was beautiful and here’s a particularly fun flower.

I’ll tell a quick story then do a photo dump…. My dream vacation is an African safari, so I love seeing any of those types of animals. I had seen on the map there was a Giraffe sculpture, which I thought was funny to specifically call out… and thought there was no actual giraffes at the zoo because of it.

So when I got to a giant field with a Giraffe in it, I kinda assumed it was a statue… and then it flinched… and I STILL thought it was like, robotic. And all these people were taking pictures in front of it, and I was like… well… I guess children don’t really know better.

And then I saw a zebra, and started taking pictures, and didn’t even REALIZE there were two more giraffes until a good five minutes later! And when those giraffes moved I realized they were real.

So I guess my point is my guide on the safari better be good at finding real animals because I’m not AT ALL. Here are some of the other fun pictures and animals I saw.

Here’s some fun artsy things. No, I didn’t even see the Giraffe sculpture.

It happened to be a day the Royal Hawaiian Band was playing, they were really fun to listen to!

It got really hot and I didn’t drink enough water, so I was getting a headache and rushed through some parts toward the end, and kept saying to myself “just one more!”. I will definitely go back.

I stopped at Banan on my way back for a cool down treat/lunch. That honey nut butter is to die for, but is super expensive ($20 for that small jar!)

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Pu’u Ma’eli’eli Trail

My new army wife friend agreed to go on a recon adventure to scope out hike logistics for a hike called “Old Pali Rd”. I want to host the hike for one of my spouse groups. We had heard mixed comments about parking etc, so we went to find out ourselves. Turns out you basically drive through a jungle to get to the trail head.

There is parking at a golf club, it costs $10 and they accept the last car at 3pm (they close the gate to leave at 4pm). There is off street parking on the way up, however, there have been MANY car break ins. It’s a weird and annoying thing in Hawaii… there are signs everywhere not to leave valuables in your car. There are many philosophies, like leave your door unlocked and leave money for them to take just so they don’t smash your windows… Anyway, she had just had her window replaced (reason undisclosed) and it took six months to replace, so we decided to play it safe and come up with a plan B. After some discussion, we decided to go to Pu’u Ma’eli’eli Trail. Translated from Hawaiian, Puʻu Maʻeliʻeli means “digging hill.”

This parking is a little better, you park at a McDonald’s (the dinning room is currently closed) and walk down a pretty busy street (think RT. 20) behind the guard rail. Mind you, she had three kids (9, 4, and 2). So needless to say I didn’t take pictures of this part, because I was too concentrated on the kids staying far from cars or the ditch next to us.

When we first started up, it was really steep and muddy and there were ropes to use on the side to help. This is looking down from the top of it. The picture does not do it justice.

There were lots of interesting plants, including wild orchids.

The little one wanted in on touching and feeling the plants.

The foliage was very diverse on our way up!

The kids did really great. It was honestly really helpful to have them slowing us down (Look at this leaf! My foot is stuck!) because I never felt out of breath and my lungs did great. There’s also just an innocence and fearlessness that makes me feel more comfortable.

I absolutely LOVE this next picture. Note the dog tucked into the bag.

Unfortunately, they did slow us down enough and with the slow start we had to turn around before the very top… the pace we were going, if we made it to the top it would’ve been getting dangerously dark to be “sliding” back down that “mud slide” as we called it. We didn’t completely miss the views as there were a couple lookout spots on our way.

We turned around right before a really steep, rooted part that looked like it’d take a bit to get up and down. The kids were understandably disappointed… It’s just that I envisioned us trying to hold phones with lights getting down that first steep muddy slippery part at the beginning and it being really slow and tedious. I hope they’ll learn to forgive me so we can go again. I think they overall had fun, though! We sure got muddy.

This is my friend. She is fearless and strong and a ton of fun to be around.

Unfortunate we couldn’t count it as “done”, but I’m looking forward to going back and trying again. When we got to our cars it started pouring, so I think we made the right decision. We will be back! Here are a couple of me she grabbed.

I’m really proud of myself for doing this. It was my first hike without Brian, who has been my security blanket for the last 8 months of recovery during activities. It took some courage and a lot of ignoring my feelings and fear to not back out. It was so, so rewarding.

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“Weeding” out invasive Species

Backtracking to the weekend again, I volunteered with “weed warriors” on Saturday. Let me tell you, “weed” was certainly an understatement. This was a gigantic bush/tree we were pulling out! Three no less. I didn’t get great pictures, but in this first one you can see a pile separated of cut up branches. Behind it is the rest of the bush we still need to do! Behind the bush in the beach.

In this second picture, you can just make out a truck we’ve filled for branches to be hauled away in, and a better perspective of the pile. A lot of the invasive species come from from South America. The idea is to cut them out so native ones grow in their place. This particular one we were working on is commonly known as Sea Grapes. Less commonly known as Coccoloba uvifera.

This was at Pyramid rock beach. The guy leading it likes to talk about some history, and told us that Pan Am airlines owners used to own the land and had housing on it. I forget if the military kicked them off or if they had to sell it… I also overheard others I was working with talking about watching “the game”. I asked which, and they answered “Patriots!” And I said “raise your hand if you’re a Patriots fan!” And three or four people raised their hands. The family that was my point of contact for the group spent 12 years in Worcester as part of the Marines… go figure!

I don’t feel like I contributed much to be honest… Toward the end they decided it more efficient to use a wood chipper and come back later with one. There were axes and chopping and my cheeks got rosy from the sun. Glad I went, will probably go again!

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Golf Game

That is the face of determination! For our last session of golf, we played four holes. I had one spectacular drive, and the rest were terrible. Really I’m here to post the view from hole 13.

OK just kidding. I mean that is really a view from hole 13, but this is what you’re looking for:


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Marine Corps Wife Kickball

Thought Sunday was over? Think again! After the airport, I came home, answered some TED emails, then got myself back out to go watch the friend I picked up from the airport play kickball with other Marine Corps wives. Apparently, this is a thing they do as team building with fellow wives in the same command. Let me tell you, it’s so intense and so crazy!

In the second inning, they have to play the whole offense holding a cup of water, yes, even while kicking. They have to reach home base with water left in the cup, or their run doesn’t count. See that girl sitting in the lawn chair? If the ball lands and hits inside the white box, it’s extra points.

They are very, very intense about this, and I don’t think I was even allowed to talk to my friend… but we texted. Ha. The ref yelled at the side lines not to coach. What fun it was to watch!

They won 15-8. Ok, now Sunday is over… well I went home and edited all the photos first, of course.

I’m really trying to stay *purposefully* busy and make time go by fast for Brian to come home. What I mean is, I’m trying to pick activities with purpose. Things that’ll fill my cup (social, adventure, good will, creativity, learning a new skill). I’m really working on figuring out what I want to do instead of doing things just to do them. I think there was a period of my life I was filling my time without really asking why, and I’m trying to be better at that. I don’t want to fill time as an excuse to make it go faster to get Brian home, I want to enjoy it. I think I’m doing pretty well so far. I don’t know if any of this made sense, I’m getting pretty tired (I think this is my sixth post today), but I kinda wanted to reflect on all the activities I’m doing.

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Sand Island

Church, the market, and chocolate all happened already…tired yet? I crammed a lot into this day! After stopping home for a quick change of clothing, I brought some frozen meals to my CO’s wife to give to our Ombudsman. An ombudsman is a point of contact for boat information. She has a lot of work with communicating with all of us. Anyway, Sept. 15th is Ombudsman appreciation day. She has an almost 6 month old she’s handling herself as well, so I hope the meals help.

Anyway, then I went off to sand island after dropping off the food (I’m on the other side of the island now). Sand Island is an industrial of all industrial areas… except there’s this huge state park at the end of it.

I figured for a Sunday it would be busy, but no, it was so quiet. A hidden gem, kind of? The waves were really big, there’s a break but it didn’t help much. The real reason I came was to check out the sea glass, which my friend clued me in on. It is a seaglass gold mine! In this picture I see at least six pieces (can you?)

I had my camera with me, though, and the waves were huge, so I had to weigh risk of grabbing sea glass and getting soaked. I didn’t have much time to spend here, though, because in short order I went and picked up a friend from the airport. I will certainly be back! Next time with a bathing suit and/or at low tide.

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Manoa Chocolate Factory

I’ve been desperately trying to find a substitution to my Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Lover’s Chocolate bar, and I might’ve found it… at quite the price. The Manoa Chocolate factory is near the market I went to and happened to open at 10am. I had some time to spare and have very little willpower against chocolate, so I stopped in quickly. I met a very nice woman who happens to be from Connecticut originally, because of course. They give tastings on a walk in basis, and tours every day at 3pm.

This is made from cacao grown in Hawaii. I couldn’t walk out without buying a couple bars… for $12 a pop. Woof! It is ABSOLUTELY delicious, though. I’ll have to continue to ration my Trader Joe’s stash and keep this in the rotation as a special treat. I also bought a chocolate macadamia nut spread, think Nutella but macadamia nut, and honestly wasn’t as much of a fan as I thought.

With low capacity and staffing shortages, tours are capped at 8 and Saturdays are booked through November. I am thinking of trying to coordinate with one of my officer spouse groups, but it’s getting complicated. Anyway, I’ll find a time to get there for an official tour and tasting.

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Lokahi Kailua Market

Lokahi Kailua Market is a Sunday market I’ve been itching to go to. Lōkahi is the Hawaiian term denoting harmony, unity, and balance. The market hosts mostly niche arts and crafts with food options sprinkled here and there.

My favorite shop was this woodworking shop that reuses wood to create something new. As the sign says, none of it is painted! It’s all salvaged wood from neighbors. I definitely want to buy something, but want Brian’s input first.

Just a couple more pictures of various vendors, including a flower market and some art.

There’s also a group collecting cans to fundraise for college, so I dropped them off some. I don’t see myself coming back to this weekly, but I’d definitely take Brian or even visitors for some authentic, fun Hawaiian souvenirs.

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Protea Zero Waste Store

I’ve been trending toward reducing waste for a while now, I’m not sure what really inspired me to get started… but I’ve been re-invigorated because of all the micro plastics I see on the beach, truly it’s really sad. No sense in dwelling on it, though, and I took another step in reducing my plastic waste by finally visiting Protea, a zero waste store right in Kailua!

Basically it sells earth friendly products and sells soaps by refilling re-usable containers. Instead of buying more plastic containers at the store, you bring your empty containers (like ones I have from my cousin’s pottery) and fill them at the store and pay by weight.

They have everything from conditioner, shampoo, body soap, all-purpose cleaners, toner…

I bought shampoo, conditioner, body soap, and a couple sponges. It’s definitely pricier than buying from the cheap supermarket brands… but if you add up all the money you spend on other disposable items you could be re-using easily I feel you’d come out even.

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9SEP21 Sunrise

I have been neglecting sunrise posts on here, sorry! You can always find them on my instagram account, @lanikai_Sunrise_96734, or visit this web page on this blog. This lady was trying to get her dog more comfortable in the water and was carrying him in only for him to swim straight back to shore.

I also found a new washed up creature. Squid Ink pasta anyone?

There was a lot of commotion around the pillbox, turns out 100s of army soldiers were dropped off and did an exercise up it. God bless them doing that in that heat with those packs on. Phew! I just missed the tail end of them, so I’m bummed I didn’t get better framing or pictures. But these turned out ok.

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