Cookie Swap!

KOSC hosted a cookie swap. This has to be one of my favorite Christmas events. So many cookies and so little baking. I made Chewy Ginger Molasses Cookies. They taste delicious, but the texture is not quite right. I am also trying to figure out my oven, it doesn’t quite bake right with cookies on both shelves… so I think I’ll just start cooking one sheet at a time.

I’m not often in pictures so one of the members I’ve taught to take pictures took my camera and took one of me. It’s really dark in the house and at night, so things look a bit blurry due to my camera settings I have to work with.

The sugar cookies come from another sub spouse who moonlighted doing cookie baking for the White House Christmas (I think I mentioned she came over to bake cookies for homecoming). She’s a great decorator! She actually baked them at my house again because her oven part didn’t come in.

Anyway, I wasn’t originally going to go to this. I had another holiday party schedules at the same time with the submarine officer spouse group. I had to pay $40 to reserve my spot, and it it’s one of those fancy parties at the Camp Smith Sunset Lanai. I really only wanted to go to experience the Sunset Lanai… everything else I was not looking forward to. Dressing up, driving far, being there for a long time, having to lie about how Brian’s doing (word gets around and it can get around to the wrong people)… the cookie swap was way more my style. Less people, less being fake, way more fun and cookies. I do not regret making that decision, but it felt hard to make at the time.

I also tried this garlic bread tree recipe. I think display was 10/10. Taste was 7/10. Needed more garlic and the bread was meh. Didn’t stop me from eating it for breakfast the next morning. Also pictured is my friend’s spinach dip recipe which is my fave and I request all the time.

Glad to be around people I’m comfortable with in a comfortable outfit and get to take a container full of a million types of cookies. Win win.

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