I became a member of the Honolulu Zoo a few months back and finally made the time to visit. It’s really cheap to become a member, $70 for two years for two adults. Based on reviews, I was expecting to understand why it’s so affordable… but I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed my day! Thought that sign was kinda cute 🙂 Parking was $1.50 an hour and I heard the lot fills up quickly, but I arrived at 10:30am on a Saturday and there were still spots left.
As with most zoos, the scenery didn’t disappoint and this one is home to a huge Banyan tree. You can see the park bench to the left of it for perspective.

More cool Banyan tree photos.
Ok, last non animal pic for now… the foliage was beautiful and here’s a particularly fun flower.

I’ll tell a quick story then do a photo dump…. My dream vacation is an African safari, so I love seeing any of those types of animals. I had seen on the map there was a Giraffe sculpture, which I thought was funny to specifically call out… and thought there was no actual giraffes at the zoo because of it.

So when I got to a giant field with a Giraffe in it, I kinda assumed it was a statue… and then it flinched… and I STILL thought it was like, robotic. And all these people were taking pictures in front of it, and I was like… well… I guess children don’t really know better.

And then I saw a zebra, and started taking pictures, and didn’t even REALIZE there were two more giraffes until a good five minutes later! And when those giraffes moved I realized they were real.

So I guess my point is my guide on the safari better be good at finding real animals because I’m not AT ALL. Here are some of the other fun pictures and animals I saw.
Here’s some fun artsy things. No, I didn’t even see the Giraffe sculpture.
It happened to be a day the Royal Hawaiian Band was playing, they were really fun to listen to!
It got really hot and I didn’t drink enough water, so I was getting a headache and rushed through some parts toward the end, and kept saying to myself “just one more!”. I will definitely go back.

I stopped at Banan on my way back for a cool down treat/lunch. That honey nut butter is to die for, but is super expensive ($20 for that small jar!)

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Cool Zoo