This hike has been on my list for a while but it’s a bit intimidating… it’s 1000ft climb up an abandoned tramway on the side of a crater. I was nervous for a lot of reasons, heights are not my strong suit to begin with and then you add the issues I’ve had with long COVID… anyway, I finally at least felt confident enough to try.
And try we did! I say we got 90% of the way there. I almost turned around twice before that… so I did push through a couple mental blocks. However, this time I started to really get worked up thinking about how I might get down with wobbly legs. I did end up sitting my way down for a bit of the steepest parts.

This next picture might give a glimpse as to why I might’ve felt a little nervous, ha.

We did still manage a great view!

You can see just how close we got… I am slightly disappointed, but again I’m so happy we ended on a positive note, and that I listened to my intuition. Now I’m at least more familiar with the intensity.

Surprisingly I’m not nearly as sore as I thought I might be today. Grateful to have friends in support of adventures!