Manoa Falls

Manoa Falls is a very touristy waterfall hike. It was closed for a bit and redone to try to prevent erosion. It’s really easily accessible, not much of an incline, and beautiful. However, definitely not as breathtaking as one that you’d find buried deep in the jungle like the last one I went to, Waipulani falls. I think the touristy feel takes some of the awe away. None the less, great little adventure to get some fresh air after what felt like weeks of rain.

OK, I take it back, you do feel a bit like you’re walking through the jungle…

But the path is mostly gravel and well kept bridges.

As you get closer you can only see the bottom tier.

In some of the pictures you can see people at the base swimming… you can, but swim at your own risk of infection with whatever diseases… I’ll take a pass. There are signs saying you shouldn’t, and with all the heavy rains I especially wouldn’t.

Parking is $4 for Kama’aina or military. The parking lot is small, but there was an additional one further. This trail connects to a large network of trails in the Tantalus area that I’ve yet to check out. Total was 1.7 miles round trip and 400 ft elevation. I think for a quick hit up of a waterfall without getting too dirty, it’s great. If it were me, I’d choose Likeke or Waipulani or even Waimea before I came to this one.

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