It is very difficult to get furniture here. People try to tell you to order stuff before you come, but you just don’t know what you need. I’ve been looking for a shoe rack/cabinet combo for my front entrance for forever. I found one on Amazon that I LOVED, but it wasn’t shipping to Hawaii. I’m not sure what happened… if there was some weird shipping fluke, but it all of a sudden WAS able to ship to Hawaii. So I ordered it immediately, but of course it was coming while I was gone… so I had to give a friend keys to bring it inside. WORTH IT. (By fluke, I mean if you try to order that same cabinet now, you can’t get it shipped to Hawaii. Weird. Thank you God).

I had to back track three times, and at one point it claimed I needed a second person’s help (HA). It also said a drill was required, again, HA. Showed it wrong.

So here’s the before:
After!! I went to get some containers for the shelf space, but that’ll take a trip to target. It looks so much cleaner. That took a good hour and a half of my first day back.

So much better and it’s great to have a place to dump things that isn’t the stairs (which are to the right of this picture). Yay! Hope Brian likes it!