Mission 1 upon return

It is very difficult to get furniture here. People try to tell you to order stuff before you come, but you just don’t know what you need. I’ve been looking for a shoe rack/cabinet combo for my front entrance for forever. I found one on Amazon that I LOVED, but it wasn’t shipping to Hawaii. I’m not sure what happened… if there was some weird shipping fluke, but it all of a sudden WAS able to ship to Hawaii. So I ordered it immediately, but of course it was coming while I was gone… so I had to give a friend keys to bring it inside. WORTH IT. (By fluke, I mean if you try to order that same cabinet now, you can’t get it shipped to Hawaii. Weird. Thank you God).

I had to back track three times, and at one point it claimed I needed a second person’s help (HA). It also said a drill was required, again, HA. Showed it wrong.

So here’s the before:

After!! I went to get some containers for the shelf space, but that’ll take a trip to target. It looks so much cleaner. That took a good hour and a half of my first day back.

So much better and it’s great to have a place to dump things that isn’t the stairs (which are to the right of this picture). Yay! Hope Brian likes it!

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