We shipped our household goods, (HHGs), on April 25th from Mystic, CT. We were told they can take anywhere from six weeks to six months to get to the Island. To hold you over, the Navy allows you to rent “Aloha Furniture”, which are bare bones pieces (bed frame, exactly 2 dining room chairs, dining room table, couch, coffee table, two living room chairs and two side tables) to get by. So my current desk has been in the dining room. We bought a new office chair because the one coming from Mystic isn’t comfortable and I was going to replace it anyway.

As you can see, my view is facing out the front of our condo. I get to watch the retirees and stay at home parents make their walks to and from the beach.

I tell Brian weekly that if someone offered me a job giving kayaking tours I wouldn’t say no.
I am writing this post while we wait for our HHGs to be delivered. We got a call a week ago that they arrived on island, and I called right away to schedule a time for them to be dropped off. Today is the day.
Usually the movers show up early on drop off day, 8am or so, and unload until there’s nothing to unload. Expecting this, Brian and I took today off work.
Yesterday(!!) I received a text saying the movers would be here between 1400-1500 (Everything is in military time). So I didn’t really need to take off work today, and knowing they won’t get this done in two hours, I am sure we will be continuing this into tomorrow. Now I need to take tomorrow off of work… and hopefully Brian will be able to too.
Yes, deployments are hard, but this type of thing no one warns you about. I mean they kinda do, when they told me I need to be really flexible as a military spouse. But I feel like I was unprepared for just the amount of insanity that goes on with Navy logistics.
They were booking a week out from when we called to schedule drop offs. My friend called a couple days after me to schedule hers, and they were booking 6 weeks out. It could be worse.
It’s 15:22 and the movers still aren’t here. Brian called and they are “on their way”. Wish us luck and tons of patience.