O’Hana trail is very close to me, but it’s not necessarily a noteworthy hike. It’s meant to be a mountain biking trail and we definitely encountered 8-10 mountain bikers on our journey. The whole loop was 6.5 miles and I have the blisters to show it! It was also 855ft elevation, not nothing! Nicely spread out over the entire journey. There was one ok view and it felt like walking through a jungle for most of it.

Simply put, this trail mostly just “does the job”. I think in any other situation this trail would be great, but it kinda gets trounced by the more spectacular hikes. However, the pluses are proximity, low mud, and length without being super tough elevation. Good to go and bang out if you just need a low stress hike for fresh air. Between this and biking the day before, I am wiped!