Old Pali Rd Hike + Catastrophe

Well, after 10,000+ pictures, I finally had an SD card fail. I had a very eventful Saturday and Sunday morning and all my pictures are lost to a small, broken data card. I’m asking around if there are any tech geeks I can bring it to recover pictures… but not holding out hope. So, use your imagination and google internet pictures.

I decided to organize a hike for KOSC. I picked a really awesome, unique hike called Old Pali Rd. A section of the hike journeys over an overgrown highway (I am unsure the history there, honestly.) It’s supposed to be haunted, which is fitting for October. Logistically, there was paid parking at the entrance, which is helpful to avoid our cars being broken into. All of this set my expectations way too high for how the day would go…

First, we arrived at 8am, but the parking was definitely on Aloha time, and didn’t open until 8:10am ish. Not a huge deal, but caused me some concern and confusion.

The start of the hike was really cool, walking on the old pali road highway was so fascinating and easy going. However, we did go with a gaggle of kids… I mean there were at least 15 of them. I think the ratio of adults to kids ended up being 1:2. I am all for kids on hikes, they are so fun and bring a sense of innocence, but it can be logistically challenging to keep a group together. A few adults started off and ended up way ahead, and I was bringing up the rear after the huge group of kids and parents. After going underneath the actual, existing pali highway, the groups went different ways (without knowing it). We went left, and the other group ahead went right. I wasn’t really paying attention and didn’t realize the group ahead, who had done this hike before and I trusted, had split off. I was initially intending on going right and should’ve known to be more attentive. Well, going left ended us at a lookout… that you can easily drive to and I drive by probably twice a week. Going the other way, I would’ve ended at a lookout a little higher that I haven’t been to. It got really muddy and slick, and on the way I slipped and fell right on my tailbone. I’m still in a bit of pain today.

I am pretty upset with how it went even though I know I shouldn’t be. Everyone got out and explored which is really the goal. But, personally, I would like to go back, do it a lot slower, take pictures, and go to the other lookout. I was really disappointed I got hurt and felt gypped.

I think that moving forward it’ll be helpful to really scope out the hike beforehand, but it’s hard to do that without enough friends to go with. I also am throughly convinced that shoe spikes and hiking poles are just going to be part of my outfit. I don’t understand what it is about me and my balance, but I’m not clumsy until it comes time to slippery surfaces. Everyone else seems to do it so easily except me.

So, just imagine an old highway with tons of overgrowth, looking like you’re going through a jungle… and it’ll just be like I have a picture of it posted!

Here’s a historic picture. And a couple more good pictures of current pictures here.

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