Parents visit!

I wish I had taken more pictures… I know, I know, the photographer didn’t take a lot of pictures!

Overall I think my parents had a great time (or so they said). I guess it’s hard not to here… but they only got a couple beach days and we had the luau and Pearl Harbor trolley tour cancelled because of COVID. I think they most liked the warm water, turtles, and beauty of Hawaii.

We picked them up from the airport and gave them the proper greeting with a couple of leis and of course rainbows on the drive home as we planned (ha). We ate a take out meal for Christmas that was decent. Then the next day my friend had an 8 hour layover coming home from Australia, so we all hung out at the beach after eating breakfast and then got lunch. I don’t think we did much after that, except maybe watch Moana later in the day.

Dad joined me for my sunrise walks, and was treated to two really good ones. He met all my friends.

Tuesday we were supposed to go to on the trolley tour. Instead I brought them to a few places at Pearl Harbor. There’s a big park on the harbor that has a lot of displays, they could see the Arizona Memorial. I brought them to the USS Utah wreckage (not talked a lot about, it’s on the opposite side of Ford Island). And to the USS Oklahoma Memorial. We then visited Brian at the boat and brought him dinner since he was on duty.

Wednesday we went driving around to a few lookouts and the halona blow hole. Halona blow hole parking was a shit show… Brian didn’t even get out of the car and was a little bummed… but we will go back so he can see it at a quieter time. At night we went to the Show Aloha lights. It’s a drive through Christmas light show with a little walking section. It was very cute. I’m glad we went after Christmas, it was quiet.

Thursday we played golf at the Klipper golf course on the Marine Corps Base. It ended up being a perfect day because it was overcast but not raining, and it wasn’t hot. There was a nice breeze. This ended up being my highlight of the trip. It was something active, I hit the ball well just not in the right direction. I think it was enjoyable for all, and my parents took home some golf balls with the shaka and aloha on them.

Here’s us at the end of their famous hole 13.

Friday was one last sunrise walk and then packing and cleaning and head to the airport!

Anyway, I think they’ll be back. Glad to have some peace and quiet again though!

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