Pillbox Hike redeux

People of good enough health can’t come to Hawaii and not do the pillbox hike… so we did the Pillbox hike! I think I was a bit more nervous this time because of my recent fall and I didn’t have my pack mule (aka Brian) there to help. I definitely was a bit more careful this time, or last time the path was different and easier? I remember making fun of the ropes the first time thinking they were completely unnecessary, then using them a lot this time. Anyway, the views didn’t disappoint!

For lunch we got Banan, her first Acai bowl so far, and I was super proud I remembered reusable bowls.

Later that day we went and got massages (we were late due to Lanikai construction backup) and then to MCBH. I showed her secret beach and we went to another submariner’s house for dinner (She has base housing on MCBH.) She has the cutest 3 month old, Maeve. Not pictured to protect privacy, per usual. It was nice meeting her.

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