Brian forgot his lunch I so lovingly packed him the night before… so I was trying to find a reason to head that way after work (he was on duty, too). I asked Jess if she finally wanted to get the Pink Pillbox in, which is just a bit North of base, and she said yes! It’s over an hour from where we live so it’s a “hike” to get there in the first place. We headed to bring Brian dinner and then to the pillboxes. This set of Pillboxes is known for its art (and one for being pink).

I really loved this hike and would frequent it more if it were closer. I wish we had gone on a sunnier day to really experience the beauty of the scenery, but the hike itself was a workout but not too much and the artwork was a lot of fun. Also, the parking was a huge plus… PLENTY of street parking.

There was this gorgeous tree along the way and there wasn’t a lot of scrambling or scary parts. Mostly gravel. I will say we caught a little rain at the tail end which started to make things slippery.

This next view is looking up toward Ka’ena point where we went whale watching and hiking.

Another one in the books for Jess and I! This nearly completes the list of highly popular hikes that everyone on Oahu talks about. I’m glad we finally got to it!