I’ve been trending toward reducing waste for a while now, I’m not sure what really inspired me to get started… but I’ve been re-invigorated because of all the micro plastics I see on the beach, truly it’s really sad. No sense in dwelling on it, though, and I took another step in reducing my plastic waste by finally visiting Protea, a zero waste store right in Kailua!
Basically it sells earth friendly products and sells soaps by refilling re-usable containers. Instead of buying more plastic containers at the store, you bring your empty containers (like ones I have from my cousin’s pottery) and fill them at the store and pay by weight.

They have everything from conditioner, shampoo, body soap, all-purpose cleaners, toner…

I bought shampoo, conditioner, body soap, and a couple sponges. It’s definitely pricier than buying from the cheap supermarket brands… but if you add up all the money you spend on other disposable items you could be re-using easily I feel you’d come out even.