Brian and I went to secret beach snorkeling, it was his first time there and my second. If you recall, my first time snorkeling there felt like a bit of a dud, so I set low expectations for Brian. We went left coming off the beach this time, and were rewarded heartily.
We encountered turtles twice, we’re not entirely sure they were different turtles. You might get sick of my turtle pictures, but it’s kinda like when people have kids and can’t stop posting pictures of them. So here’s some turtle spam.
Resting in Reef Swimming along About to get air Eating some algea Snack time Cruising along The Stare Down Doing his turtle thing blending in with the reef

My proudest capture, beside that first turtle picture, was of this eel.

I think a bit of ignorance is bliss when doing these types of things, because immediately a million thoughts came to my mind like “are they aggressive? Should I ‘run’? What if I get stung by it?” But turns out he’s pretty scared of me and I didn’t see him again once he disappeared. I think this is a Dragon moray eel.
I’ll spam you with more fish/sealife pictures.
Convict Tang – Manini Possible Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse – Hinalea School of Barred Filefish – O’ili School of fish Reef Triggerfish – Humuhumunukunukuapuaa Pretty Purple Coral Sea Cucumber Threadfin Butterfly Fish Yellow Tang Gomphosus Varius Triggerfish Spotted boxfish Domino Damselfish

The “necklaces” you see around our necks are these waterproof bags

The water was really calm. My only regret was eating stromboli too closely to going, I didn’t digest it well horizontally. I was not nauseous after, though. For some reason it felt like there was a hole in my snorkel (well, there is… but in this case the snorkel was vertical and it still felt like water was getting in). Brian said the same thing, so maybe it was some weird fluke with wind? Hopefully it was a one off.
These posts take an overwhelming time to create/edit. I’ll probably only post pictures of cool new animals I see moving forward. And of course sea turtles.