I had a day last week I was feeling pretty low, but I still try really hard to push myself to get some fresh air. So I decided to take my camera and walk around “downtown” Kailua before grabbing food at the Thursday market. I have to say that Hawaii does a great job of making things “pretty”, or visually appealing. You’ll find mosaics scattered every where.

Here’s a fun directional sign.

And here’s Whole Foods.

I appreciate the tropical feel of our little town.
I’ve had an emotional few days… there are a lot more politics involved in this Navy life than I could’ve ever imagined. A lot of not knowing who to trust, who’s got who’s back… it gets confusing and frustrating, honestly. We’re all supposed to be in this together. Everything is fine, no one is in trouble or under any harm, but even the smallest things can seemingly explode! I will add that it has made me vehemently opposed to staying in longer than Brian’s retirement. Usually, Brian’s here to talk me off these emotional ledges… but alas, here I am ready to jump!
Anyway, a particularly difficult communication issue is that I’ve heard three hundred different dates for Brian’s homecoming. They are anywhere from the beginning of one month to the beginning of the next… I really want to tell people to take me off the return homecoming date rumor mill train and just let me know when I need to show up to pick him up. It makes things really hard emotionally and rollercoastery…. will he be here for this event? He asked me to make reservations again somewhere… should I push those back?
I think being far from family and having no kids has thankfully put me away from being pestered about when he will come home (I mean my family never pesters anyway 😉 ) Which is good, because most often I’m not thinking about it… I’m just thinking about what I can do to make my day go faster and feel less lonely. But the answer, anyway, will almost always be “I don’t know”. And probably for the better, because as we know the Russians are always listening. “loose lips sink ships”.