Big Island Trip 3 Friday and Saturday

Friday was our big “Ironman” bicycling trip. We didn’t do a whole Ironman’s length worth of biking, but we did ride on part of the ironman route. I was most nervous for this ride. It’s completely exposed, there is a ton of cross wind, and the stopping increments weren’t great. I don’t think I mentioned this but I was on an eBike for it. They are really helpful, however, I did my best to have it on the lowest to none setting.

We started at this King Kamehameha statue in Kapaau and made it all the way to the Pololu Valley Lookout. Our leads were fun and helped discuss the routes.

We saw some uniquely Hawaiian things at our rest stops.

The ride was really windy and uncomfortable for a bit, thankfully if I was going to be blown over it would’ve been to the side of the road and not into traffic. Once you make it through a rough patch, it’s not as bad. I made sure I was well hydrated and snacked the whole time which makes a huge difference.

After this we went back to the hotel and enjoyed a farewell dinner.

Saturday we had one more hike along the coast and then farewell snacks.

It was quite the week of adventuring! I was bummed my in-laws couldn’t have made it. We made the most of the trip, but I am done with Big Island for possibly ever. Although, that’s what I said after trip 2. Life’s funny like that.

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Big Island Trip 3 Thursday

Today we started with a snorkeling adventure and then had a casual remainder of the day to do whatever. We kayaked to this bay and snorkeled for a bit. The waves were very choppy so it was pretty unpleasant but we made it work.

I got to hold this cool guy. Apparently the red extensions would be used for things like makeup.

Near our hotel was a quick hike to a petroglyph site so we took a quick jaunt up to see it. There were a ton!

For dinner we went with another family to a restaurant at the Hilton Waikaloa Village, a 15 min cab ride from where we were staying. We went to Kamuela Provision company, it had great food. The hotel itself is huge, it has a tram and A BOAT to get you from one end to another. So big!

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Big Island Trip 3 Wednesday

Wednesday we made our way from the volcano side of Big Island over to the Fairmont Orchid in Puako. I hadn’t seen this part of Big Island yet, so I was particularly interested. We stopped at a Hawaiian historical site called Pu’uhonua O Honaunau National Historical Park and a popular coffee farm along the way to break up the drive. Meanwhile, the Colorado Avalanche were playing in the finals and we were just able to stream the games.

We had a guide talk to us about the significance of this site. If a Hawaiian got in trouble, it could some times lead to punishment by death. If that Hawaiian escaped to this site (they’d have to swim around the coast and run all the way to the coast from wherever they were), there were able to enter into a “re-entry” facility where they studied and re-learned how to live morally within the Hawaiian rules. Often times they ended up dead before they made it.

There is a story behind this big rock- there is a cubby behind and below it which is an opening where a queen supposedly hid from the king because they were in an argument. The hole barely fits a child… so it’s unclear how factual this is.

We eventually landed at the Fairmont and enjoyed sunset at their outdoor restaurant.

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Big Island Trip 3 Tuesday

On Tuesday we biked what was called the old red road. From Wikipedia: “Locally it is known as theĀ Red Road, due to its long having been paved with Hawaiian volcanic redĀ cinder”. There were some beautiful ocean lookouts along the way.

And the jungly sections were great.

We biked along the coast for about 5.5 miles.

Our first destination was Isaac Hale Beach park with a huge black sand beach. The waves were crazy here, so it’s not great for swimming.

And there were hot springs as well.

Then we went back through. We also road through lava fields.

We ended up back at this local ice cream place that probably has the best mango ice cream I’ve ever had in my entire life.

We also managed to get to see the lava again that night. Such a delight! And the moon was huge.

This wraps up Tuesday!

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Big Island Trip 3 Sun and Mon

This happened a while ago but it felt overwhelming to blog about everything since the trip was a week long so here I am catching up. Brian’s parents were supposed to come out for a weekend in Oahu then take his sister and I to big island for a bike trip with Backroads. They ended up getting COVID two days before they were set to leave… so Brian’s sister came out and we went on the trip together.

Night one we stayed at the King Kamehameha’s Kona Beach Hotel. When we arrived on Big island, there was some festival going on and we walked a street market. We left early the next morning to head to Volcanoes national park. We started our day hiking the Kilauea Iki Trail, you can see more pictures from my first go around on this trail from this post. The Ohia Lehua’s were in bloom this time and made a fun pop of color against the dark gray lava.

We got to hear more about the lava with a volunteer tour guide.

And can’t miss the lava tube!

We stayed at the quaint Kilauea Lodge. It has only like ten or twelve rooms and is a ten minute car ride from the park. I thought I had more pictures but I don’t.

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Hawaii Tropical Gardens and Waipio Valley Lookout

Back in 1980 something this guy from California decided to buy a bunch of land. He then thought it was too pretty to keep to himself so he turned it into a public garden. If only everyone was that benevolent! It was a short 1.4 mile loop, but after the fast paced day we had yesterday we took our time meandering.

There is a legend about how the two rocks got there… it was said a tribe was being attacked, so a couple sacrificed themselves to protect the village. The next day these two rocks appeared outside the bay and the boats wrecked on them.

I gauged four hours for this but it took maybe two… so we made an impromptu decision to drive up to Waipio Valley lookout (an hour and 15 minute drive)

We did get to “see” a whale (see that tiny white splash? ha.)

Finally we headed to the airport! We got there early enough to hop on an earlier flight back to Honolulu, which we were all very thankful for. We ended up home almost two hours earlier than planned. I was very thankful for the low key last day… my lungs were sore from the day before. Surprisingly, Monday, they had recouped a great deal and I was very impressed/happy with my recovery!

Captured a couple great shots from the air, too. Hello Diamondhead and Waikiki!

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Kamana Caves and Waterfall

Our AirBnB reminded me of my Aunt Linda’s cabin except Hawaii style… perfect place to call home base.

Kaumana caves were recommended to Jess by a friend. We worked our way back up to Hilo and to the caves in the morning.

I was wondering what would be so special compared to Thurston Lava Tube, but it turns out it was soooo cool! There were two caves, one left and one right. That hole looks small, I might’ve had to duck to get through but it was such a long cave that it’s a lot bigger than it looks.

The inside had fascinating geological features… really smooth rock from water flow and really uneven loose rock from lava flow. Eventually the cave opens up from the top and it’s so pretty! Those things hanging down are roots.

It opened up again a little further down, and we chose to exit that way back through the park above the cave so we didn’t have to climb over loose rock again. The trail was not cleared… but having pants made it relatively easy to get back.

Next stop, rainbow falls! There is sometimes a rainbow due to the mist, but we didn’t see on that day. It’s pretty much viewable from the parking lot so thankfully not a lot of walking.

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Big Island Volcano

My friend Jess and I really wanted to visit Big Island (aka Hawaii Island) to see the volcano erupting so we planned a trip together. There’s no telling if the volcano will actually be erupting or not, so we planned to do a lot of other adventures along the way and hoped to see the lava. Both of us were afraid to look at the eruption status all week; we were holding our breaths. Then, Jess checked the morning of our trip and saw a report that it had stopped… boy, were we disappointed. We decided to put it in the schedule anyway.

We checked in to our AirBnB which was about fifteen minutes from the prime viewing point. We headed there around 9:15pm. The viewing point was down a little path off what was crater rim drive. Crater rim drive closed in 2008 during eruptions. It’s mainly intact on the part we walked aside from a big crack. This is the sky as you get closer to the crater… we were trying not to get our hopes up but it was hard not to!

We’re getting closer…

And then you see the lava and you’re completely in awe of it. It’s the most surreal thing I’ve ever experienced… like you’re in a museum or a movie. You can hear the cracking sounds the volcano makes.

I’ve been asked if you can feel the warmth. I will clarify that we are actually really far away… thankfully. The pictures above are zoomed and cropped.

Regardless, as we walked back to the car we felt it get about ten degrees cooler. When we were watching the lava, I don’t remember feeling cool, but at the car I did.

Next time, I’ll remember my actual zoom lens (I grabbed the wrong one, face palm!), my tripod, and a chair. I’d love to video the people walking down and their reactions… it’s priceless, especially the children. We completely lucked out. I took a series of videos which you can watch on my playlist below. I haven’t watched them all, skip to 47 seconds in of the first video. I’m still working on my videoing skills, ha! The second video is pretty neat as well, just let the first plat to the end. Definitely could use a tripod.

We went back the next day and it wasn’t as “explosive” should I say. However, still worth the effort. It would’ve been considered amazing had we not seen day one, but now I guess I’m spoiled!

Man, I’m not sure any travel adventure will ever top this.

I did get nervous at some points… like what if this really did blow up big time? But it’s one of those things I guess you just look past. I could’ve sat with a bag of popcorn for forever watching it. If the pictures worth a thousand words, being there is worth a million.

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