Happy Father’s day to all the fathers and father figures out there. I’m lucky to have two really great ones.
We have started attending St. Anthony’s church in Kailua. Sundays are the only days I don’t go for my sunrise walk because we go to 6:30am Mass. We like the mass so far and one of the Deacon’s is a submarine spouse’s dad. He has really great sermons and gave today’s. It definitely has a Hawaiian vibe to it, but still formal Catholic.

Then we go to Morning Brew for breakfast. Brian gets a caramel latte, and we both get breakfast sandwiches. They are REALLY good.
We texted both our families, and my dad is in Pennsylvania picking up a second engine for his F1… so much for getting to talk to him today! Brian’s dad and family were going to lunch, but we Alexa called them for a quick catch up. They are planning a trip to visit us in October around Brian’s sister’s birthday.
We unpacked a lot, moved more furniture, continuing to put the pieces of our house together bit by bit. We have a guest bed frame and mattress ready! During this we heard a really loud whirring noise and discovered a helicopter making a rescue at the really famous hike right outside our condo.

It rained earlier today and we’ve been told a lot not to try this hike after it rains, so that could be it. It may be just a broken ankle, or may be something serious. As far as I know, Hawaii doesn’t charge for these rescues… what a favor! Needless to say Brian and I are waiting for the perfect time for our first trip up, both when I feeling good and it’s been dry. Brian brought up how my ambulance ride in Cambridge was $800, but a helicopter ride over beautiful Kailua is free. What a steal.
Speaking of rain, I FINALLY saw my first rainbow today! Brian didn’t drive slow enough for me to get a picture of it, and it was pretty faint, but FINALLY!
We’re off to go visit a woodworking place in Hawaii that make BEAUTIFUL pieces. We’re hoping to get a table top to replace one we have that is warped from winter damage. You can view some of their pieces here.