MCBH Sunset Flightline 5k

Friday I ran another MCBH 5k on the premise that I’d have a pretty sunset. Well… it didn’t turn out so pretty. It’s been really rainy here and we were hit with clouds and rain.

Here’s another officer wife who signed up with me. She took golf lessons with me too! She signed up for the Honolulu Marathon…I give her so much props.

I think it’ll be the last 5k for me for a while… it’s just not going well and it feels like I’m beating my head against the wall and torturing myself with them. My lungs aren’t cooperating as quickly as I’d hoped. I feel the lung burning has definitely died down a LOT, but like today I feel it coming back from all the exertion I’ve done. It’s certainly a balancing act.

I recently had a conversation with a good friend who’s husband is consistently beating cancer and it was sobering. As much as I hate that I have long term COVID and am mad at God for not curing me quicker, I am so grateful for all that is healthy with me.

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