Diana Visit recap

Diana, my MOH, came and visited me for a week! We had a lot of fun adventures, I’ve already posted about two separately (Hula and Kuliouou hike). Most everything else I’ve already done but I wanted to document the trip anyway. She worked during the day during the week, so we stuck to afternoon adventures.

I picked her up from the airport late Sunday and of course had to get her a lei!

Monday we did my fave intro-to-Hawaii hike, Makapu’u

Tuesday we went for a walk and got shave ice… no photo evidence that I have.
Wednesday we did Diamond Head and Manoa Falls. Manoa falls was a trickle (it’s been very dry here!) compared to when I did it with Jess.

Thursday we snorkeled in Lanikai

Friday we made our way up and around the North Shore (Dole plantation train ride and Dole Whip, the coffee “farm”, Laniakea the turtle beach etc). I tried the famous “sweet lady” dessert, which is like a Hawaiian version of apple pie. Warm taro dessert with haupia (coconut) ice cream. Along the way, we took a detour and stopped a Laie point. It’s so beautiful, a new hidden gem for me.

Saturday we hike Kuli’ou’ou and got Leonard’s malasadas after with a quick pit stop at the Halona blow hole, then got pedicures and headed to Waikiki for Hula. Sunday we walked around Pearl and I dropped her off at the airpot.

It was great to have her keep me company-Brian was away while she was here. I might be at the point where I tell my visitors to just take my car and go do things… but it was good for me to get out and about!

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USS Germantown to Yoga

On Monday afternoon we received word one of our friend’s submarines was leaving. We headed to go watch at Missing man monument, except after waiting an hour we found out we’d be waiting another 45 minutes, so we left before we saw a submarine. But, we didn’t leave before seeing this wicked cool ship. The USS Germantown (LSD 42)

It was HUGE.

I found the contact information for the Ombudsman on the internet and sent her the pictures. This boat is stationed in Sasebo, Japan.

We then headed to Diamond Head to find parking for a yoga class and took a short walk to see the Diamond Head Light house up close and personal.

And then went to the diamond head lookout and saw some surfing, cool wave patterns, and pretty shoreline.

We went and relaxed at the Lē’ahi Beach Park for a bit before Yoga started. I don’t have any great pictures of the actual yoga, or the full park, but imagine people in a grassy park doing yoga and extremely picturesque palm trees. I was still hurting from the hike fall, but I did my best. The sun set while class was happening and I was a bit distracted that I wasn’t able to take pictures. All the same, it was a peaceful class and I was happy to explore a different part of the island.

We stopped for a quick bite to eat at Kalapawai on the way home. And by that I mean she bought a salad and we both bought an ice cream sandwich. (I ate real food I had at home first!) It was DELICIOUS.

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