FRG Christmas Mini Photoshoots Fundraiser

As I started taking family shoots I realized it could make a great FRG fundraiser. So I offered my time and skills to the FRG and they took me up on it! We did 15 minute increments and six families signed up over a course of two days. Let me tell you, I don’t want to edit again for a while.

I say that, but I think part of it was the location we picked (Kamehameha Beach on Hickam). It ended up being “busy” (relative term for a military beach, it was actually pretty quiet for a Hawaii beach). I had to edit out a few people and a big, blue sun shade tent out of probably 25 pictures. Phew!

Each family paid $40 and I received $20 and the FRG received $20. I gave them all edited photos of my choosing, we guaranteed three good ones but most of the time they ended up with more.

Day one ended up being one couple and we had the bench set up in a weird way, and I feel bad because it made the pictures a little misaligned. Basically, either the horizon was horizontal or the bench was horizontal. If the Horizon was, the tree looked crooked. Anyway, we ended up shifting the set up on this little patch of sand. However, by the end with the rising tide the sand bar disappeared. You can see here my horizon line is still a little crooked. I did rotate in post processing, but obviously not perfect!

I’m learning that there are limitations to the software I chose. There are basic things I wish it did, like I think other software will auto rotate for the horizon with a click of a button. I think other software can also blur faces. I chose the software I did because it uses AI to enhance photos, so I can let the algorithm take care of most of what I need. I also picked it because it’s not subscription, so I paid once and don’t have to pay monthly. It’s the part of me that doesn’t want to pay for months I didn’t use, although I’ve been using my photo editor quite often (more than I realized).

Anyway, we fixed the horizon/bench issue by moving the scenery. However, other issues were that back to the left where you see the bushes was the huge bright blue sun shade tent. Also, the bright sun made it difficult for people to open their eyes to look at me, but it was the best lighting and again best for horizon lines. All things to learn and think about!

There were a ton of great shots that came out of these sessions and the families were so much fun. I’m really proud of the work I’ve been doing and think for $40 the results were on par with the value (especially including all that editing time).

I might ask permission to share more photos, but you at least get the gist of the shoot with the above one. Great learning experience, and it’s very interesting the time difference between shooting a couple and a family. I also was worried I wouldn’t have enough poses on the bench, but we did the shaka and sometimes isolated kids and did kisses. Then we also took people away from that and did spontaneous shots like dancing, jumping, walking, etc. I felt a little weird when I ended up with so much time after a session! But they go quicker when it’s not a full on family shoot.

Super fun, but I’m so so over editing for a bit!

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FRG Meeting

I don’t have a picture to go with this, but I wanted to talk about it anyway. FRG (Family readiness group) meetings are a way to connect with other spouses on the boat. They are meant to inform you about how to prepare for having your sailor gone, and then while he’s gone offer camaraderie/information about their schedule. They are about once a month. We had one on Monday.

There were about 15 wives there and a gaggle of children. We talk about having playdates, doing fundraisers, and if there are any port calls we might be able to go see our Sailor at. I offered to do a fundraiser for them for Christmas mini photo sessions for after the boat comes back. We use those funds to host things like a welcome home BBQ or gifts for certain occasions (I think?).

It was a pot luck, but I wasn’t really interested in a lot of the food. There was a buffalo chicken dip and the chicken was indistinguishable… I know that a lot of people use a blender to “shred” chicken and I think that’s the method they went with. It’s a weird consistency thing that I can’t handle.

There was childcare offered, but honestly the kids were mostly in and out of the room they were hanging out in that I didn’t find it was super worth it. I am very thankful Brian and I don’t have kids yet.

Nothing terribly exciting, but it’s something about boat life many people don’t know about so there you have it.

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You could see the other Hawaiian islands really well to the right of the second Mokulua island

I had to run some errands today out in town (actually I really wanted to check out a store, my only errand was to pick up an onion for a salad). The store is called twin islands, and if you don’t know why you haven’t been paying attention.

It’s mostly clothing with a few knick knacky type things. I bought another rash guard shirt (something to protect me from the sun) and a bumper sticker that is the symbol you see at the top of the store entrance. Everyone who is anyone has one.

Then I treated myself to Kono’s. Atmosphere was pretty cool.

But… I bought the basic BBQ pork plate (Kailua pork, BBQ sauce, white rice, mixed lettuce greens with fruit dressing) and thought it was just ok. I keep picking “local favorite” plates and should probably try meals that I actually know I’ll like. Just trying to be open to new possibilities! I’d go back and try something different and ask if they sell the dressing. Not super impressed. My friend warned me it’s hard to be super impressed by food here and I’m wondering if she’s right. The drink was guava limeade. It wasn’t mixed well, so at first I was like “Where’s the limeade?” and then about halfway through I was like “where’s the guava?”

After eating, I went back out again to buy some gifts at a local kids store. One is for someone’s kid on the boat who turned 5 today and is coming to our family readiness group meeting tonight. And a couple others are for the Captain’s wife’s kids (2 months, 4 and 5). She just had a baby, two months prior to her husband leaving, so she has her hands full. I bought a floor puzzle and a book of games. Hopefully it’ll help keep them busy!

I’m off to my first ever in-person FRG meeting. Going to meet all the wardroom wives. Wish me luck!

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