Dolphin Auction

Every year the Dolphin Scholarship Foundation holds an auction at some of the bases to raise funds. It has been on hold because, well, you know. So this was my first time going to one! The theme was “Rig for streaming, binge binge binge” and the commands pick a TV theme and dress accordingly. We picked Great British Baking show, what I binged when I was down for the count with COVID.

There was a silent auction and a live one. I didn’t end up getting the thing I really wanted, a tour of a local chocolate farm and some chocolate, but I did get some candles. My friend Katie, pictured above, wanted them but she was working and it was starting to get pricey. Since I wasn’t winning the chocolate, I thought why not, and bid on it thinking I’d be out bid and worst case more would be donated. Well, I won! And gave Katie the candles she wanted. I kept a couple good smelling sprays. They are made by a veteran and smell really good, you can find them here.

It was a good turn out and they just stopped requiring masks on base… that’s going to take some getting used to.

The dessert table is essentially a “bake sale” and they asked for contributions. So I baked these monster Levain-Bakery copy cat recipe cookies. I didn’t eat one, but I did take one home with me and THEN ate it, haha. They are so good, and the recipe is done by my favorite baker Bravetart.

It was nice to see other sub wives and I certainly wish Brian had been there. All in all glad I went to support a good cause. Of course, Tiger King made an appearance.

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