Halloween Bingo

This month’s Bingo was Halloween themed! So was the sunrise that morning apparently. I went as Mrs. Incredible, and my newish friend Jess borrowed my skeleton “costume”, which was great because she’s a physical therapist.

Jess I met at one of the book clubs, and I basically pulled a “YOU’RE MY FRIEND REGARDLESS OF YOUR OPINION” on her, which I semi-apologize for basically forcing her to be friends with me, but I think it’s working out so far. She doesn’t have kids yet, so it makes socializing a bit easier. She’s also a Navy wife, her husband is a SWO (Surface Warfare Officer). She lives close by. It’s destiny, really.

At Bingo we collected food donations for the Thanksgiving food drive to provide food for military families in need of extra support. I wish we took a picture of the table because it was full and that made my heart warm. I also neglected taking any pictures of us actually playing bingo, but we did! Jess won wine.

The whole night was hilarious, and our table was particularly rowdy. At my table there were two Saras, and at one point they went to high five each other for having that name, and out of pure instinct I interrupted the high five by grabbing the arm of one of them next to me. I do not know what overcame me and I apologized and pray I didn’t scare her away (this was only one of multiple things that happened this night that could’ve). She did not seem to have been bothered by the interaction thankfully! The MC wives are such characters! Gotta have fun together to get through this life.

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San Clemente Highlights

My in-laws live about ten minutes from the San Clemente beach, so it’s easy to get out the door and explore the area. T-Street beach is a pretty popular spot for surfing and where Brian and I had our lesson a couple years ago.

There’s a really nice walking path along the beach that stretches at least two miles. Some of the entries are a steep walk down from the main residential area. You can see there are houses precariously close to the edge of the cliffs next to the beach.

Eventually you get past the pier and on this boardwalk which was damaged from some landslides for the longest time, this was only my second time able to walk on it since I first visited in 2018.

I was able to snap some pictures of surfers from the pier.

And observed some Halloween spirit on my walk inland.

It is definitely cooler here than in Hawaii! And I’m often found in my sweater. Still not quite as cold as the Northeast.

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