Maui Trip Day 2

I somehow managed to wake up early enough to catch the sunrise and even though it wasn’t all *that* spectacular, I’ll take it. Brian sat with me for a few minutes and then went back to bed, that was allowed. We lazily made our way to breakfast at the hotel and then hit the road to Haleakala National Park. The road to Hana back here gets way worse, incredibly. Significantly curvier and more narrow. Still a spot to pull over to catch a waterfall. This one is Wailua falls.

It was about a 20 minute ride to Haleakala. We then hiked the Pipiwai Trail, which I had incredibly high expectations for and was looking to be the highlight of the trip for me and I’m happy to report it far exceeded them.

About a half mile in you reach waterfall number 1. Again it had rained over night so there was an awesome flow.

You come across a really big Banyan tree a little bit further.

Another small-ish waterfall.

A beautiful bridge leading into a bamboo forrest with, you guessed it, another waterfall.

Then you treck for what had to have been 3/4 of a mile through a bamboo forrest. It was incredible and the wind made the sound of the bamboo so cool.

And eventually you get to this sky-high waterfall called Waimoku falls. Because of the recent rain I imagine the falls on the left started flowing.

The picture of course doesn’t do it justice but it’s 200′.

And we made our way back down stopping for more pics to savor the moments and to listen to the bamboo. So incredible!

Toward the start of the hike there’s another scenic loop that brings you to the Seven Sacred Pools. There are actually a lot more than that but chop it up to marketing to use a catchy name. The pictures, again, don’t do this justice. It’s really beautiful.

That about wrapped up Haleakala, so we made our way back to Wainapanapa State Park. We stopped at one beach somewhere and got a better pic of the offshore island. It has a coconut palm on top, it was rumored to be planted by a father who lost his son in a war and planted it in his memory.

On our way back things got dicier on the road- we were finally kinda opposing a lot of traffic since we got to Pipiwai early since we were right in Hana and left relatively early. So we encountered a ton of cars going back, and the parking lot was nearly full. There was one point where these 2 20 YOs and us were stuck and they refused to go in reverse. Brian claims he was in the right and went through first, I was too busy looking around… we somehow managed to squeeze by but after that I pretty much made the decision we’d go back the way we came out of Hana as opposed to completing the circle.

Anyway, that was our only mishap, crazily and thankfully. Besides other people clearly not yielding… We found our way to Wainapanapa!

The Shaka app raved about this park, but to me it was kinda like eh just another black sand beach. There were some cool features, like this rock arch and lava tube to the ocean. Those people were in there for at least five minutes trying to take the perfect Instagram photo, so I just took a photo of them and left.

We did a walk around the coast for a bit, but we were already a bit tired from all the hiking earlier so we didn’t do the full thing. Just enough to get a taste and a better view of the bay.

And another small black sand inlet.

We also really weren’t wearing the right shoes for a long walk. So we called it and it was already around 3pm at this point and went back to the hotel to enjoy drinks at the pool.

And just some time on our Lanai together.

And that concludes day 2!

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Diana Visit recap

Diana, my MOH, came and visited me for a week! We had a lot of fun adventures, I’ve already posted about two separately (Hula and Kuliouou hike). Most everything else I’ve already done but I wanted to document the trip anyway. She worked during the day during the week, so we stuck to afternoon adventures.

I picked her up from the airport late Sunday and of course had to get her a lei!

Monday we did my fave intro-to-Hawaii hike, Makapu’u

Tuesday we went for a walk and got shave ice… no photo evidence that I have.
Wednesday we did Diamond Head and Manoa Falls. Manoa falls was a trickle (it’s been very dry here!) compared to when I did it with Jess.

Thursday we snorkeled in Lanikai

Friday we made our way up and around the North Shore (Dole plantation train ride and Dole Whip, the coffee “farm”, Laniakea the turtle beach etc). I tried the famous “sweet lady” dessert, which is like a Hawaiian version of apple pie. Warm taro dessert with haupia (coconut) ice cream. Along the way, we took a detour and stopped a Laie point. It’s so beautiful, a new hidden gem for me.

Saturday we hike Kuli’ou’ou and got Leonard’s malasadas after with a quick pit stop at the Halona blow hole, then got pedicures and headed to Waikiki for Hula. Sunday we walked around Pearl and I dropped her off at the airpot.

It was great to have her keep me company-Brian was away while she was here. I might be at the point where I tell my visitors to just take my car and go do things… but it was good for me to get out and about!

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Queen Emma Summer Palace

I feel like I’m just now starting to get into the lesser visited places in Hawaii. Lesser traveled hikes, lesser known museums. I decided to organize a visit to Queen Emma’s Summer Palace with KOSC last weekend. What better time to visit than the summer!

It was modeled after a New England style home and it felt familiar. There were all of six rooms maybe? The history is confusing to me, but Queen Emma wasn’t actually a reigning Queen, just like a pretend one I guess. She lost both her husband and her only son. This was one of 7 houses she spent her time at. To avoid feeling lonely, she moved her bedroom into the dining room so she could here the chatter of people visiting more easily.

The trip to Europe was an 8 month boat ride. This beautiful hutch was made from Hawaiian Koa wood, shipped to Germany, then shipped back in three pieces. Amazing!

Those big feather duster looking things are important royalty items, like staffs I believe. They are made out of real feather.

She was really great friends with Queen Victoria (via snail mail) and Queen Victoria sent her a watch with a picture of her and a locket of her hair. Apparently that was the thing to do in those days. Hawaiian history confuses me but I am trying! I also remember she was given away at birth as a present to a couple who couldn’t have children, this was called Hanai. She founded Queens Medical Center, the first hospital on Hawaii. You can read more of her history here.

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Kuliouou Ridge Hike

Kuliouou (pronounced Coolee oh oh) ridge hike starts on the Honolulu side of the island toward diamondhead and hikes 1600ft up a ridge. It’s definitely an intense hike and as usual I was a bit nervous about it. All in all, taking my time I did great. The way up starts with switch backs so that helps. There weren’t any technical spots really. We started at 7am and parked in the neighborhood, that turned out fine.

You can see Diamondhead poking out behind me on my way up.

There are a lot more stairs than I expected- still no where near as bad as Hawaii Loa.

Thankfully the conditions were dry. Although, I did have the thought of forest fires in the back of my head (Hawaii can never really win… either its wet and wicked slippery but there’s waterfalls and no fire threat, or it’s dry and hot and you are worried there might be a fire).

I would definitely do this one again. I would’ve liked to do it with a little less cloud/haze but that’s so hard to gauge. I think I’d like to try to get Brian to hike it.
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Big Island Trip 3 Friday and Saturday

Friday was our big “Ironman” bicycling trip. We didn’t do a whole Ironman’s length worth of biking, but we did ride on part of the ironman route. I was most nervous for this ride. It’s completely exposed, there is a ton of cross wind, and the stopping increments weren’t great. I don’t think I mentioned this but I was on an eBike for it. They are really helpful, however, I did my best to have it on the lowest to none setting.

We started at this King Kamehameha statue in Kapaau and made it all the way to the Pololu Valley Lookout. Our leads were fun and helped discuss the routes.

We saw some uniquely Hawaiian things at our rest stops.

The ride was really windy and uncomfortable for a bit, thankfully if I was going to be blown over it would’ve been to the side of the road and not into traffic. Once you make it through a rough patch, it’s not as bad. I made sure I was well hydrated and snacked the whole time which makes a huge difference.

After this we went back to the hotel and enjoyed a farewell dinner.

Saturday we had one more hike along the coast and then farewell snacks.

It was quite the week of adventuring! I was bummed my in-laws couldn’t have made it. We made the most of the trip, but I am done with Big Island for possibly ever. Although, that’s what I said after trip 2. Life’s funny like that.

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Makiki Valley Loop Trail

Makiki Valley Loop Trail is in the middle of Tantalus, a protected forested area of Oahu. After all the hiking I’ve been doing, I thought this would be a walk in the park, but it was actually deceptively a bit harder. I didn’t realize it was rated moderate, it was 1000 ft gain but I didn’t look at the map hard enough to realize it’s all in the first mile or so, phew! This is the maze of roots we navigated working our way up. There were beautiful views of the valley on both sides.

The two other spouses who went happened to be sub spouses, it was great bonding!

There’s a secret extension to a waterfall and I was happy we found it and came across it. It was so beautiful.

It ended up taking us a little over two hours with time built in just to enjoy the moment, 4 miles, and 946ft elevation gain. There was a decently big parking lot, maybe enough for 25 cars, but it’s a really popular area and I think it was filled by the time we left. I’m glad we got there early. Still suffering from a low-ish turnout on hikes. But it’s better than the zero I had over the winter!

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First Ever Golf Tournament

My family of golfing fanatics will be impressed that I played in a golf tournament. It was my first time ever playing 18 holes and it was LONG and HOT.

It was for the Captain’s cup on Marine Corps base at the beautiful course. We had to get a picture on the ocean facing hole. This is also where I lost my first ball, sadly.

We think some guy yelled at us for cheering too loudly. Whoops.

We came in last, which at least means we won golf lessons. Still debating about buying myself a set of clubs. We’re running out of outdoor hobby storage. I was exhausted after this… even with using a cart! But I rallied and went and took an hour of tennis lessons, which I’ve been doing as well. I’m still exhausted, this was two days ago.

The other ladies I played with were awesome and very encouraging and fun. I got a wicked tan line from that day, and applied sunscreen twice.

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Wet n Wild

I love water parks. Typhoon Lagoon was one of my favorite things to do going to Disney. Oahu has a Wet ‘n Wild which is not something I’d convince Brian to go to, but I did find a milspouse family (Deana) to adopt me for the day.

The park, much like anywhere these days, is suffering from a huge lack of staff. They only have half the rides open at a time, and you kinda have to guess which one… and then it makes for really long lines at the ones that are open.

Despite all this, we had a good day getting wet and having fun down the rides we could get on!

My favorite is the O’hana Highway, which has a bigger tube and can fit a couple people in, although if you get stuck going backwards it’s not as fun.

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Pu’u Ohulehule Hike

Pu’u Ohulehule is a hike a bit up the coast from where I live. It’s also known by a geographical feature called “Pride Rock” for the same reasons you can assume. Unfortunately, there was a 40ft stretch of 50% to near 50% grade trail that was very loose gravel. I climbed about halfway up and decided to freak out about trying to get back down. Slowly but surely and thanks to some footing help from my friend I made it.

I didn’t get to Pride Rock, but I did get a couple great peak-a-boo views along the way.

You might recognize the island to the right – it’s Mokoli’i, Chinaman’s hat, the same one we paddled to recently. This next pic is looking back toward where I live.

I think I could do it if I had put my spikes on, but by the time I was down no part of me wanted to put my spikes on to try again.

This marks my fourth DNF hike. Ka’au crater, Koko head stairs, Chinaman’s hat the other three. I’ve never not finished hikes before, unless you counted the one from Yosemite which I didn’t finish due to health concerns.

The new friend that came with me, Lisa, was incredibly understanding and didn’t make me feel bad at all. It was our first time hiking together, so I felt like I let her down, but promised we could go and do one I’ve been successful at.

After, we hit up this roadside Thai place and I had DELCIOUS Pad Thai. It was only $13 and I split it into three meals the portion was so huge.

My goal for the next year is to try to be more spontaneous and stop and places like this. They are everywhere in Hawaii.

Anyway, continuing to be frustrated that my did not finish list is growing… but oh well.

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Maunawili Ditch Trail

I found myself with a free Sunday so I asked a friend if she wanted to get outside with me for a low key hike nearby. Maunawili Ditch trail is your basic walk through the woods and was just what I needed today. It was shaded and made for a great midday jaunt. It’s a multi-use trail, we found horses at the end, we encountered a mountain biker and other hikers. The hike starts at the same place as another hike I did recently. I didn’t take many pics on the trail, just enjoyed the company and movement. But here are a couple to give you an idea!

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