First Ever Golf Tournament

My family of golfing fanatics will be impressed that I played in a golf tournament. It was my first time ever playing 18 holes and it was LONG and HOT.

It was for the Captain’s cup on Marine Corps base at the beautiful course. We had to get a picture on the ocean facing hole. This is also where I lost my first ball, sadly.

We think some guy yelled at us for cheering too loudly. Whoops.

We came in last, which at least means we won golf lessons. Still debating about buying myself a set of clubs. We’re running out of outdoor hobby storage. I was exhausted after this… even with using a cart! But I rallied and went and took an hour of tennis lessons, which I’ve been doing as well. I’m still exhausted, this was two days ago.

The other ladies I played with were awesome and very encouraging and fun. I got a wicked tan line from that day, and applied sunscreen twice.

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Golf Game

That is the face of determination! For our last session of golf, we played four holes. I had one spectacular drive, and the rest were terrible. Really I’m here to post the view from hole 13.

OK just kidding. I mean that is really a view from hole 13, but this is what you’re looking for:


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Golf lessons at Klipper

I signed up to take golf lessons at Klipper Golf Course, the golf course on Marine Corps Base which is supposed to have the best views. I’ve only had two lessons so far and we’ve used the putting green both times which is kinda away from the ocean. The KOSC (Kbay officer spouse club) set them up and there are five of us taking them.

We were learning how to chip today, on day 1 we learned how to putt.

He told us to focus much more on our swing than where the ball was going, which makes sense. My goal is to know enough that if I were ever invited to do a tournament, play with friends, or when my parents come out here I could at least hold my own and have an idea of what I’m doing. Jon’s a great teacher! There’s a lot to the game.

I’m glad I committed to taking this, it’s been a fun Saturday morning excursion that I think will prove valuable. I don’t imagine spending a ton of money on this, it seems we’ve been spending a lot of money on hobbies as of late, but who knows. I am wearing Brian’s MIT polo because I don’t have any collared shirts. I am going to buy one just to have.

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