Final adventures back home

I’m still catching up on posts, believe it or not I’m keeping myself VERY occupied with various activities (which I will update on in future posts.)

Tuesday night I headed to Marblehead, which is where my friend who was my maid of honor lives. We went for a walk to the beach and saw a beautiful sunset.

We played a board game called the 7 wonders, which was complicated to learn but surprisingly easy to pick up on. Wednesday, we headed to the city for Union Square donuts (also featured at my wedding). They were wiped out! But we still managed to pick up a couple. We made our way to the science museum after that, Diana and her husband have a membership there. We went to see the Pixar exhibit, which was very impressive!

I had no idea how much “physical” modeling went into it, I thought by now it would surely be all done on the computer. But they still do a great deal out of clay and physical simulations. Fun fact, I love the incredibles.

Then we went to see another friend of mine for a bit who lives in Somerville and recently bought in RI. Then we made our way back to Marble head. We played another round of board games and that was it!

I had left behind some tomatoes from my parents garden, and Isaac made Pico De Gallo out of it!

Thursday I drove from Marbhlehead to NH to visit another friend of mine, and finally to home. So much driving! I was happy to be home.

I don’t have any pictures of the rest of the trip….crazy for me! But I had breakfast with a family friend, Faith, at the Red Barn Cafe. Went to see my Aunt and Uncle’s new house in Monterey, MA. It was very well done! We had dinner and great conversation. Saturday, I visited Grammy’s grave and we had some more family over for a BBQ that afternoon.

And finally, returned to Hawaii the next day! Phew.

On the plane ride home I had a couple Mai Tai’s, of course.

I’ve been encouraged to learn about the Enneagram, a personality self-growth tool. So, I binged on some podcast episodes about it. I also am reading the book about it, called The Road Back To You. I’m an 8, but you all would know that easily.

I also watched Luca, Raya and the Last Dragon, and half of Cruella (we landed a half hour early!) Cruella was STELLAR. Highly recommend. I also fell asleep for a bit, which I can count on one hand the amount of flights I’ve done that.

And, besides the great scenery, this is how you know you’ve made it to Hawaii

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Catching up with subwife friends

Jet lag was ROUGH. I slept the first day home, pretty much the second day, and mustered an early ish wake up Friday to get to the wedding. My cousin gave me some melatonin which definitely helped. Checkout of the hotel was 11am, so that motivated me to leave. I travelled to Mystic, CT to visit a couple subwife friends.

I arrived at Erin’s house and we chatted and caught up a lot. She’s been having a very unfortunate time with COVID, she also had a COVID wedding and she’s from Australia, so she hasn’t been able to see her family in forever. She’s such a trooper and is doing the self care she needs to get through this period. I’m very proud of her. We made our way up to another friend’s place, Terra, and met her new pug puppy, Murphy.

Then we made our way to Ford’s lobster for dinner, which was my one request. I got the lobster bomb, it’s lobster topped with lobster bisque in a bread bowl, aka heaven.

Erin and I watched the new age version of “She’s all that”, aptly named “He’s all that”. Very nice millennial spin to the story line.

The next day, we went and watched Erin’s husband’s submarine come home. It was a gray, dreary day (how New England of the weather!)

There’s plenty for the submariners to do before we can pick them up, so we walked the Niantic board walk and ate lunch. I specifically requested clam chowder, see a theme?

And finally I stopped at a seafood market place to bring home some lobsters to Dad. This is a newly opened stand alone store for a seafood market in the velvet mill, a mill turned into shopping center. The lobsters were $15/lb. I guess that’s expensive? It didn’t really matter to me, plus #supportlocal.

We went back to pick up Erin’s husband, and then I went on my way home to give them some time!

Monday and Tuesday I slept pretty much all day. I think it was a combo jet lag/leftover COVID fatigue.

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