Brian Pinned O4

In line with Navy operations, promoting to O4 is a weird journey of steps. First, you need to be looked at by some board with a lot of important people on it. If they say you should get promoted, then your name gets submitted on a list to congress who then needs to approve the promotion (this is called being selected). This happened on 28OCT21 You can (try) to read the formal communication about it here.

Finally, on Sept. 1st, 2022 he started being paid the O4 salary. Then, about a week later, we had the “formal” pinning ceremony and he finally gets to wear his oak leaf. Brian repeats an oath to serve the country to his CO.

I got to remove his old rank and put his new rank (oak leaf) on.

And we stay and celebrate with a couple beers after.

I am really proud of him for promoting. He’s very non chalant, “everyone promotes to O4”, but I don’t think he remembers all the people who don’t stay in this long to get promoted.

It was his last big goal in the Navy (beside retirement) and he made it. Proud of him!

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Promotion Ceremony

The Weps on Brian’s boat along with two JOs were promoted to their next ranks. Whenever that happens you have a small gathering to celebrate and a promotion cemermony. They decided to go to Foster’s point on Hickham for it, which turns out has a very picturesque tree to photograph. However, nearby a wedding was being celebrated, so we chose to do it across the bay.

The Captain recites a recommittal to serve the USA statement that the men all agree to.

The weps’ wife moved back to CT, so the XO facetime’d with her so she could experience it.

The captain or a significant other will change the designation on your uniform.

Traditionally, the men getting promoted pay for the alcohol for the party to celebrate. Also traditionally, they spend the amount of one month’s of the difference of promotion income, which ends up being a lot and a crazy party… we haven’t done one of those yet.

If all goes well, Brian will promote in the fall.

What a crew!

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