San Diego wrap up and La Jolla

I will start this post by saying I’m glad I went to San Diego and saw my husband. However, if you couldn’t tell, we didn’t do much while we were there. Mostly took naps, did laundry, ate out, went for walks… Port calls are the envy of many a military wife because of the sexiness they portray. Seeing your husband in a foreign land and getting to explore mid-deployment… how fun! Realistically, we did a lot of unsexy, mundane, just plane old hanging out together. Brian was very worn out, and at one point I requested pre-boat Brian back… but I know it’s because his job is incredibly difficult. So I gave him time to recover, decompress, we went with the flow of what we were feeling like. He still got calls from the boat while we were out and about, but we did our best to do normal life things (like watch the Capitals). I know this is what love looks like, giving your significant other the support they need going through something rough, even if it doesn’t meet your expectation of what should be happening.

All that to say, we did end up getting to La Jolla, something I requested numerous times before we made happen. La Jolla California is famous for their large sea lion and seal population. And I can confirm personally it’s true!

Even after reading this article, I’m not sure which is which in the above pictures…and I’m too tired to figure it out.

There were so many awesome pics I took. I might come and finish this post later with a little more energy. I will also add that I had my amazing zoom lens on this. While there were a ton of people within maybe 3ft of these guys… Brian and I were well past ten feet away. These are zoomed and cropped.

I am really glad we made our way there to check them out. It was an ~2hr trip, and Brian got a call from the boat, but it filled my desire for a fun adventure and “sexiness”. We also went with Brian’s parents, so they enjoyed the trip as well. I will say the area SMELLS badly, and the parking is not easy, but we were lucky to snag a spot. There were people snorkeling off this beach… which I guess is normal, but no way would I snorkel with these huge guys swimming around! I guess there aren’t as many sea lion/seal attack causes of death as there are sharks… maybe people think I’M crazy for snorkeling in Hawaii.

Later that night we ate dinner at Bali Hai. I wish I had asked the waiter to get a picture. The next morning we dropped Brian off at the boat and his parents dropped me off at the airport and the rest, they say, is history. I have been home the last week catching up on life and doing miscellaneous things. More posts to come! I did Mass, then 5 mini Christmas photo sessions this morning and then a five mile hike this afternoon. Phew! Trying to go to bed but I’m in inning 5 of the world series game 5… what a game!!

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USS Midway

Phew, I don’t know where this week went but… here I am on Sunday trying to get a couple posts up before my Monday email goes out.

After spending time in San Clemente with Brian’s parents, I headed back down to San Diego because Brian pulled back into port. Here we go with hotel living again! Brian had already visited this aircraft carrier museum, so while he was working one weekend morning I went on an adventure. The inside of the “belly” is HUGE and is a museum in and of itself…

You could spend forever here, but I’m not a spend forever at a place like this person, so I picked a few cool audio tour spots to listen to and then headed to the flight deck. (They gave me an audio device attached to a necklace that you use to scan different codes to listen to stories about planes or parts of the boat). This next picture is looking from one end of the runway toward San Diego. So cool and SO HUGE.

I didn’t realize that the planes had the ability to refuel mid flight, and there were fueling spires(?) they used to do so. That’s incredible. One of the helicopters was the retrieval helicopter for multiple space missions. There were really great views of the bridge from up there.

I love the huge statue of the famous Navy kiss.

One thing you can do is go on a tour of the control tower, lead by a docent. That was fun, and they were complaining about 8ft high ceilings… ha.

They gave the explanation of why they rotated the landing pad 13*, but I forget exactly… something about if things went awry it wouldn’t ruin the planes lined up on the edges I think. This carrier was originally straight on only and then went into the shipyard to have a runway at 13*.

So huge.

This was my favorite capture of the day. See if you can figure out why…

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Surrey rental and boat cruise

Brian and I took it pretty easy on Sunday. I am terrible at time change and we both want to take it easy, so we did a leisurely surrey cruise around the mission bay bike path.

Then later we took a boat cruise around the bay on the Bahia Belle.

This is the hotel and the cabanas are relaxing to lay in.

It’s no Lanikai sunrise but the sunset was pretty beautiful.

Brian and I both had to work on Monday, so less fun and probably not a lot of updates coming this week. But it has been really nice to see him!! I even got to tour his submarine!

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Aloha from… San Diego??

Brian’s in port! His boat pulled in to San Diego for a port call. I knew this was happening, but it’s something I have to keep relatively on the down low. I was even given the wrong date anyway, but it all worked out.

I booked the flight from Honolulu to San Diego my friend who was visiting was taking, thinking Brian was getting in the next day. Instead, I get a call from him while I’m at the airport that goes something like this:

Him: I can’t wait to see you! It’s going to be a little while before I get to.

Me in my head: Yeah, like 24hrs or so

Me out loud: That’s ok, I’ll be glad to relax after a busy week!

Him: Where are you?

Me: At the airport

Him: In San Diego?

Me: No, Honolulu.

Him: Oh…

Me: Where are you?

Him: On the pier in San Diego.

Me: WHAT??

And that’s how it ended up that he met me at the airport instead of me meeting him at the pier. I had already made plans with our mutual friend to have her pick me up and go to In-N-Out, because neither of our husbands like it… but anyway Brian tagged along on our date and it all worked out.

The next day Brian’s parents came and brought us to lunch. I don’t have many pictures because I have honestly become a little tired of carrying my big camera around and forgot to snap an iPhone photo. But later we ran some errands with them and then took the rest of the day to explore a bit. We’re in a hotel on Mission Bay and very close to Mission Beach. He is in port for a little while, so I will get to see him almost every day for a little bit.

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