Uncle’s Ice Cream Factory Tour

I’ve talked about Uncle Joe’s ice cream sandwiches before and how delicious they are so when KOSC planned a trip to the factory to tour I jumped at the chance to skip out on work and go visit. The owners were so generous and humble. They started 9 years ago selling at one of the many markets in Hawaii and they went wholesale and make 5k sandwiches a week out of a small space on the North Shore. They are expanding to Las Vegas, so you may have a chance to try them in the states, but for now they are exclusive to Oahu. You can imagine shipping ice cream from Hawaii is very, very logistically difficult.

We were offered their mini ice cream sandwiches to try (which aren’t available widespread yet!) and some water; we didn’t even pay for the tour. It was pretty amazing to watch nearly everything be done by hand! The tours are done off-the-record; you can give them a call to set one up. The commissary (base grocery shopping) offers their sandwiches, so we are lucky! They said their best selling is cookies and cream, but their lilikoi (passion fruit) is the one most asked about.

This little plaza is a conglomerate of eclectic shops and includes the North Shore Soap factory. A few of us hopped in to check it out and the soaps smell SO good. I didn’t buy any.

Finally the food truck, Banyan’s, was there and I tried the chicken sandwich with grilled pineapple and onions on a taro bun… it was AMAZING. If I haven’t said this already, Hawaii is pretty famous for its food trucks because land/rent is so expensive. Taro is a very popular potato-esque vegetable that turns everything purple.

It was about an hour drive from my apartment, so it was an adventure that I made the most of. Will have to figure out a way to stock my freezer for when my family comes.

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USS Germantown to Yoga

On Monday afternoon we received word one of our friend’s submarines was leaving. We headed to go watch at Missing man monument, except after waiting an hour we found out we’d be waiting another 45 minutes, so we left before we saw a submarine. But, we didn’t leave before seeing this wicked cool ship. The USS Germantown (LSD 42)

It was HUGE.

I found the contact information for the Ombudsman on the internet and sent her the pictures. This boat is stationed in Sasebo, Japan.

We then headed to Diamond Head to find parking for a yoga class and took a short walk to see the Diamond Head Light house up close and personal.

And then went to the diamond head lookout and saw some surfing, cool wave patterns, and pretty shoreline.

We went and relaxed at the Lē’ahi Beach Park for a bit before Yoga started. I don’t have any great pictures of the actual yoga, or the full park, but imagine people in a grassy park doing yoga and extremely picturesque palm trees. I was still hurting from the hike fall, but I did my best. The sun set while class was happening and I was a bit distracted that I wasn’t able to take pictures. All the same, it was a peaceful class and I was happy to explore a different part of the island.

We stopped for a quick bite to eat at Kalapawai on the way home. And by that I mean she bought a salad and we both bought an ice cream sandwich. (I ate real food I had at home first!) It was DELICIOUS.

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