Found an Eng in the wild

Engineers on Submarines are known for their really intense schedules. We were able to get one of Brian’s friends from SOAC who is now an Eng to come get drinks with us since we were on the other side of the island. Here he is on the phone talking to one of his guys about a critique they’ll be having on Monday. I sent it to another mutual friend with the caption “We found an eng out in the wild, doing his eng’ing”. It’s very hard for Eng’s to get time off or enjoy things without being bothered.

We were over there because a friend of Brian’s from the USS San Fran, Ty, was visiting Hawaii from Colorado with his gf Megan and we met them in Honolulu at Waikiki brewing for drinks. This was the start of a fun adventure of them being in Hawaii!

This second picture was taken using my very nice camera. I have this really awesome feature on my camera called “live view”, which basically gets the picture to show up on the screen before you take it, almost exactly like using a phone. So it makes for an easy hand off to a waitress or willing budding photographer. I turn that mode on and we show up on the screen, then they just have to click on any of our faces to focus and then click the shutter (big, round button) then voila! Picture on a really nice camera. I make sure the exposure settings are correct before handing it off, but they still have to fix the focus. It took me a while to discover this, but I figured it out so that Brian could start taking pictures with my camera of me in it.

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Honolulu Foodie Part 1

Leonard’s is famous in Honolulu for their Malasadas. They are portuguese donuts, basically sugar dough balls that can be stuffed. I did not get an actual picture of the donuts, whoops. I will say they were more filling than donut. The line was long but moved fast. 6/10 on my scale of foodie experiences. I like my donut with a side of filling. They also have a ton of other goodies. I’d compare this experience to going to Mike’s Pastries in the North End, except the cannolis are way more worth it.

Tiki’s on the other hand, totally worth it. We were able to get reservations, that is a huge plus these days. They had really sweet souvenir Mai Tai glasses. Brian’s (red volcano) is named Aloha Bob. Mine is King Kalani Paiʻea Wohi o Kaleikini Kealiʻikui Kamehameha o ʻIolani i Kaiwikapu kauʻi Ka Liholiho Kūnuiākea. Or, alternatively, Tiki Man.

The views were pretty incredible and we already booked reservations for sunset for when my family visits in April.

The food was great, drinks were great. 10/10 recommend this place. Some places we’ve visited but don’t have pictures:

  • Waikiki Brewing 8/10 Decent food, relatively easy to get a table, cocktails available
  • Maui Brewing 5/10 I had a symptom flare here… I was feeling overwhelmed by their ordering process (walk up to a window and it gets brought to your seat which you have to fine), it was really loud, decently long wait
  • The signature Prime Steakhouse (top of ala moana hotel) 8/10 Really delicious food but you pay the price, piano music, have to have luck getting a table near the windows, service was great
  • Beach place that I mentioned previously that’s not worth remembering

We tried to go to Duke’s, which seems famous, but it was a THREE HOUR wait. Pass. Stay tuned for more food adventures.

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