Waimanalo is the neighborhood next to us and is where a lot of locals live. It’s also where Obama bought property. The drive to Waimanalo Country Farms is a bit… sketchy… but once you turn a corner it all makes sense. They plant a huge field of sunflowers and stage them so they bloom throughout the “summer”. And in case you were wondering, no, sunflowers are not native to Hawaii.

They had fun props to stage pictures. Brian said that summer can official start now that we have a picture that says “Hello Summer”. What a wise guy. I don’t think summer really ever ends here.

I couldn’t resist using the bathtub, it had a layer of dirt so I’m awkwardly suspending myself. I should’ve just went all in, maybe next time.

We got lemonade with the price of entry. I tried Li Hing flavored (it tastes sort of like fruity pink lemonade). They also had mango, pineapple, and a couple others. I treated my friend to entry for her birthday. We were laughing about Brian’s attempts at shooting this picture for us.

There were yard games but they were occupied so we end up chatting (the men about submarines) and taking pictures and exploring. Fun night out in the “country”!