We’ll all be planning out a route
We’re gonna take real soon
We’re waxing down our surfboards
We can’t wait for June
We’ll all be gone for the summer
We’re on surfari to stay
Tell the teacher we’re surfin’
Surfin’ U.S.A.Haggerty’s and Swami’s
Pacific Palisades
San Onofre and Sunset
Redondo Beach L.A.
All over La JollaAt Waimea Bay
Surfin’ USA Beach Boys

We didn’t go surfing, but my friend Jess swam 2.3 miles! The picture above is all the swimmers lined up at the start. Here they go!

While she was swimming another friend, Raquel, and I hung back at the beach. I read “Oona out of Order” and sunbathed.
And she made it! It was really hard to identify her, all swimmers look the same. But we got her. The last stretch you have to get your land legs back and run up this sandy hill.

I’m glad I had this free day to join and support her and now I feel like I can finally say I’ve “experienced” Waimea Bay. It was very calm today, but it’s certainly not usually like this, I think it gets wavier over the winter.
We saw a honu (turtle) “crossing” the finish line! It was cute. Here’s the bay from a walking path back to the car.