“Weeding” out invasive Species

Backtracking to the weekend again, I volunteered with “weed warriors” on Saturday. Let me tell you, “weed” was certainly an understatement. This was a gigantic bush/tree we were pulling out! Three no less. I didn’t get great pictures, but in this first one you can see a pile separated of cut up branches. Behind it is the rest of the bush we still need to do! Behind the bush in the beach.

In this second picture, you can just make out a truck we’ve filled for branches to be hauled away in, and a better perspective of the pile. A lot of the invasive species come from from South America. The idea is to cut them out so native ones grow in their place. This particular one we were working on is commonly known as Sea Grapes. Less commonly known as Coccoloba uvifera.

This was at Pyramid rock beach. The guy leading it likes to talk about some history, and told us that Pan Am airlines owners used to own the land and had housing on it. I forget if the military kicked them off or if they had to sell it… I also overheard others I was working with talking about watching “the game”. I asked which, and they answered “Patriots!” And I said “raise your hand if you’re a Patriots fan!” And three or four people raised their hands. The family that was my point of contact for the group spent 12 years in Worcester as part of the Marines… go figure!

I don’t feel like I contributed much to be honest… Toward the end they decided it more efficient to use a wood chipper and come back later with one. There were axes and chopping and my cheeks got rosy from the sun. Glad I went, will probably go again!

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