What I’m reading and listening to

The Guest List: I can’t remember if I posted about this book, but I binge read it start to finish on my plane ride to Boston. It’s a murder mystery. I thought it was really good, but my book club thought it was too unbelievable how it all happened. I guess I am really gullible when it comes to plot lines so it makes sense I wouldn’t care about that.

The Road Back To You: I had an on again off again relationship with this book, but I finally finished it. The book is about the enneagram, a theory that everyone’s personality is related to one of eight categories. It’s a little overwhelming to me and a lot to keep track of, which makes it hard to apply… but I guess I learned about myself more.

Colin Jost: A very punchable face: (just one chapter) My father in law sent this to me to specifically read the chapter about Colin’s mom, who worked in the fire department. It was a really amazing story about 911 I hadn’t heard yet. I won’t spoil it 🙂

Currently starting the Culture Code. The commodore recommended it to Brian and I.

This is a robbery: This Netflix docu-series was on the heist of really famous artwork from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, an incredibly beautiful museum in Boston. I hadn’t realized the enormity of what was stolen. After the second episode, I had to stop watching at night because I was convinced someone was coming to steal from me. I turned all the lights on in my apartment. I finished the series during the day. It was ripe with Boston accents, history, and mobs. I thought the first two episodes were the best and it kinda went downhill from there, but still great.

Peanutbutter Falcon: A really great movie about two men who befriend each other. One is running away from trouble and one is running away from his home. There are some plot lines that don’t reconcile, but I forgave them because it was a cute movie all in all.

The Lord of the Rings: Believe it or not I haven’t ever seen them… actually, I take that back, I fell asleep watching while with a group of friends once. I am two hours in to the first movie… hope to finish it tonight. Evaluation to come.

Alex & The List: A guy is given a list by a woman of things he needs to change before they get married. It’s quite extensive. This is a cringeworthy movie and you’re kinda thinking this guy is really dumb the whole time. It’s like not even romantic what he’s doing. Wouldn’t recommend a watch.

Lula Rich: Docu series on Lula Roe, a multi-level marketing organization. Very fascinating how it was held together by thin threads.

Last but not least, the Patriots and Bruins. I bought NFL game day pass in order to watch the Bruins. There’s probably some trick I could use, but I’m uninterested in inviting any hackers into my computer.

I’m sure I’m missing some, but these were off the top of my head.

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